Even if you don’t have a Facebook account, you’ll still be able to read the posts on the page. However, if you do have a Facebook account, we’d really like you to click the Like button on the Fan Page.
As of this writing (August 26, 2013) we have 239 Likes from all over the globe. Now granted, that’s not many when compared to a lot of other FB Fan Pages, but not too shabby for 3 old dogs and young Al, seeing as we tend to entertain in about an 150 Km radius of Ottawa.
We’ve also managed to get airplay on Rainbow FM 89.3 out of Warwick, Australia, thanks to Mal Kiely, one of the radio hosts. The show, Highway 15 Beyond, airs from midnight to 3 am on Monday mornings. Thanks to Mal, all the truck drivers and night workers around Queensland know Grateful We’re Not Dead’s Over Sixty Blues.
As most of you are aware, Grateful We’re Not Dead entertains for free with all funds being raised going directly to various charities. Gord was doing some quick figuring recently and it appears we’ve raised well over $100,000 for charity in the last 10 years. The largest amount (about $45,000 as of 2012) going to the Mufindi Orphans Project.
And speaking of 10 years, July 1st this year was the 10 anniversary of the band’s first official performance. On July 1, 2003 we entertained at the 40th Wedding Anniversary of Peter and Janet Van Zyl. Back then the band didn’t even have a name. On July 29, just past, we entertained for their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the Westin Hotel in Ottawa.
Well, that’s about it for now. Remember to check out our Grateful We’re Not Dead Facebook Fan Page. I don’t know if us old dogs can keep going for another 10 years but as long as Al can still load us and the equipment into the truck at the end of night I guess we’ll keep slugging away.
Y’all take care now.